发布时间:2023-01-12   查看次数:33


银  奖

「 安卡娅 · SPA 」

1月10日,2022美国国际设计大奖 IDA Design Awards获奖名单揭晓,

On January 10, 2022 IDA International Design Awards in the United States IDA Design Awards winners were announced, Subterranean Wood Interior Research Institute design work "ANKAYA - SPA" among more than 80 countries / regions around the world tens of thousands of entries stand out, won the Silver Award.



△ 《 ANKAYA · SPA 》IDA官网获奖截图


美国国际设计大奖(International Design Awards,简称IDA)是美国国际设计大奖之一,2007年创办于美国加州,倡导设计的可持续性、科学性、智能性,评选条件十分严格,该奖项设置覆盖建筑设计、室内设计、产品设计、时尚设计、平面设计等五个门类。致力于呼吁全球关注设计的创新、概念化以及创造和发现优质的作品,被称为世界各大知名设计奖项的“风向标”。

The International Design Awards (IDA) is one of the international design awards in the United States, founded in 2007 in California, advocating the sustainability of design, science, intelligence, the selection criteria are very strict, the awards set to cover five categories, including architectural design, interior design, product design, fashion design, graphic design. Dedicated to calling global attention to design innovation, conceptualization and the creation and discovery of quality work, it is known as the world's leading design awards "weathervane".

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